Phoenix Hunting
"But from the ashes of old humanity, new humanity shall arise like the phoenix." - Joe Dixon
The year 2020/2021 was tough for everyone around the globe. There was the Covid pandemic, meaning many loved ones lost, lives turned upside down & economic problems worldwide. However, there have been so many new initiatives - people learning the importance of connection, the need for small business support, understanding of each others' lives and a fight for the rights of others. This was also the year that Creative Wonderers was born, in the midst of a horrible situation, more connections were made. Through this, the idea of Phoenix Hunting was born. Like the phoenix, Creative Wonderers rose from the ashes and continues to rise in bad circumstances. It's our hope that people will go Phoenix Hunting around the world, visiting organisations, learning about some wonderful people and giving back into communities. If you're ever in the area of a phoenix, visit & support the community it's in. Together we can support each other and help each other rise.